The Secret of Bending Time — from Secret Antenna 2/21/23

“Causation is not a resident

of the past; she stands on the 

arrow behind and the arrow


You may send a message be-

fore or after it is received,

and it will still arrive at the

same time.”

The above passage resides permanently (permanently?) in a book, a puzzle piece, in a series of interlocking instructions for how to bend time.

Anyone can find these books at a store in the French Quarter area of New Orleans (a.k.a Bvlbancha). Travelers who find their way to The Valley of The Green Door are on a necessary quest to open their knowledge to the knowledge they already have. Or will have, eventually (see above quoted material). 

The creator and tender of this installation (exhibit) (spell) (memory) (travel technology), Theodora Eliezer, describes it like this on their website:

“This work is guided by the occult principle that the power of the unseen cannot be transmitted through explanation, and that to fully understand magic one must embark upon an infantry journey of direct experiences.”

The quest is ongoing, and you will find your way there as it becomes clearer and clearer where to locate the entrance from just where you stand.

Should you find the teetering towers of books kept standing by some magical force, tell the shop proprietor that you came for the quest.

He’s already looking for you.

If you are not near geographically, or even if you are, take the first step and accept the quest to learn how to bend time. Just choose it and listen to Secret Antenna’s latest episode featuring Theordora Eliezer for a conversation we started in the middle, again.

Other timeless transmissions from Theodora will be picked up by Secret Antenna and passed on to you for your travels here on this strange and captive clock.

Stay tuned or return or find us for first time or forget us on purpose and then make up with us for fun. Whatever it takes.

Theodora Eliezer’s Website :


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