The Impossible Game

THE IMPOSSIBLE GAME is out now and is available for purchase HERE.

A metaphysical game without end and experimental structure used for oracular purposes.

All that’s needed to utilize this cleromantic oracle is a pair of six sided dice and your imagination.

Well, that’s the description on the box anyways.  Obviously there’s more to this new pocket-sized oracle than that. 

The Impossible Game is a theoretical game played on a board that cannot exist. The point of it is the journey and the story it crafts for you. There is no beginning and no ending, no winners and no losers. 

What is it about games that make them so easy to utilize for divination?

Unlike most games, there is no opponent on the board. Competition is replaced by discovery and exploration.

What is it about play that makes us vulnerable to oracular inspiration and reflection?

The Impossible Game is meant to be a simple tool for divination, utilizing the narrative of this book and a pair of six-sided dice.

These are the questions I tried to explore with The Impossible Game.

There are 36 distinct spaces. None of these spaces will lead to an ending in the oracular narrative and are designed to be continued on from or returned to as the dice are rolled. Any space can lead to the requisite number of other spaces needed to come to your desired conclusion.

THE IMPOSSIBLE GAME is out now and is available for purchase HERE.

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