The Nine of Pentacles — Accumulation by Michelle Embree 10/11/22

The figure in the Nine of Pentacles is independent. This is a character who has accumulated a series of skills. Most of these will be the result of a deliberate set of choices though a few might have been acquired by necessity in the moment. 

routine that properly suits the personality.

This figure has the patience required to entice a wild bird into trusting her intentions. Discipline plays well with this card but only if it is a routine that properly suits the personality.

The figure in the Nine of Pentacles is independent. This is a character who has accumulated a series of skills. Most of these will be the result of a deliberate set of choices though a few might have been acquired by necessity in the moment.

This card is also about accountability. When enough trust and skill and knowledge has been acquired, there can be no other reality than the one in which we participate.

trust and skill and knowledge has been acquired

 This card is also about accountability. When enough trust and skill and knowledge has been acquired, there can be no other reality than the one in which we participate.

Acumen is the goal; practice is the attainable.

By Michelle Embree

Author of Daydream Tarot: A Basic Guide for Visionaries

Read Michelle’s monthly Tarot column in ANTIGRAVITY

Listen to Michelle’s podcast SECRET ANTENNA

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