The Might of A Charismatic — The Chariot 6/21/22 by Michelle Embree

The Chariot

The Charioteer is a charismatic character and this is the central aspect to consider when working with this archetype. Charismatics are those persons you might consider larger than life. You might find that you like to look at this person, that they are enjoyable or even mesmerizing to watch. In a crowded space full of people talking you might find that you easily discern and focus on the speech of the charismatic without even trying. 

There is ineffable magic that emanates from within this type of person and no one has ever been able to locate the precise reasons for why the charismatic is so magnetic. Some of these types are very beautiful while others are not necessarily what we might consider head-turning, so the phenomena seems to sidestep our ordinary conditioning. 

A charismatic person can be benevolent or downright maniacal. Neither beauty nor morality makes this archetype so appealing. Even intelligence seems to be less of a factor than simple magnetism. What we do know for certain is people will follow these types to whatever destination they are taken to and often have no idea why they did it.

Examples of charismatics include Jesus, Jim Jones, Martin Luther King Jr., Charles Manson, Teal Swan, Diana Spencer (aka Princess Diana), Hugo Chavez, and Benazir Bhutto. This list goes on and on throughout history.

Our charismatics are capable of creating seemingly impossible shifts in how our world functions when they are able to move into positions of great power. In smaller circles, they run families and communities with a mysterious power be it for better or worse.

May we set aside our personal ego and uplift charismatics with a mission of justice.

By Michelle Embree

Author of Daydream Tarot: A Basic Guide for Visionaries

Read Michelle’s monthly Tarot column in ANTIGRAVITY

Listen to Michelle’s podcast SECRET ANTENNA

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