The Alchemist’s Gold– Ace of Pentacles 4/12/22

If you want to conjure material wealth for yourself, be it a job or a house or a stable relationship, this is the card to center on your altar. The Pamela Colman Smith depiction of the Ace of Coins shows us a hand coming right out of the sky to give us the goods, the gold, the material wealth we desire. 

If you have ever purchased a house in the United States then you know that the process is destabilizing and uncertain until the moment the key is put into your palm. Though you work the process from beginning to end, ownership is not guaranteed until the sale is complete. This is the best template for how the magic of the Ace of Pentacles works. You must focus your energy, your work, your mind, and your body on the desired outcome and also allow for it to come into being. This means, don’t block yourself with negating words, thoughts, and actions. As an example, if you tend to come across as demanding and people feel alienated by this attitude, now is the time to change yourself before your loan officer changes their mind. Magick is real but it takes focus and personal willingness to use it properly. 

Powerful rulers once employed alchemists to attempt the arduous process of creating gold from non-precious metals by way of magic.

The alchemist traditionally searches for the elusive philosopher’s stone and the general panacea that will cure our human ills and, most famously, toils to turn iron into gold. Powerful rulers once employed alchemists to attempt the arduous process of creating gold from non-precious metals by way of magic. Though the tale is told that alchemists could, in fact, accomplish this task, it is said that they could not produce this gold in large quantities. It is also said that the attempt to perfect this process of gold making is how we wound up with both porcelain and gunpowder. 

Might the Magician be offering his own confidence to the king in order to continue the flow of money into the alchemist’s pockets?

In any case, the alchemist made money for himself by convincing kings and popes that he could magically create wealth for them. The con man or con game is short for confidence game or confidence man. In this business, the con man does not gain the confidence of his mark but rather offers the mark his own confidence. Could it be that the alchemist uses his own wages to purchase a bit of gold here or there to show the king? Might the Magician be offering his own confidence to the king in order to continue the flow of money into the alchemist’s pockets? Even if this is the case, it could still be argued that the alchemist did indeed discover a process by which wealth could be produced from little more than thin air.

While the art of the con is not recommended, putting our minds fully into the goals we wish to foment is exactly how we allow magick to work for us rather than against us.

May our wildest dreams of wealth appear from the skies which we have deftly served. 

By Michelle Embree

Author of Daydream Tarot: A Basic Guide for Visionaries

Monthly Tarot Columnist for Antigravity Magazine

Co-Host for the Secret Antenna Podcast

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