The creation of Hypersigils, the generative deviation into Hauntomancy specific Hypersigils, and the deeply intentional magicks that bind and define them.
Tag: ectogasm

The Green Mushroom Project and We The Hallowed collectives joined forces to release a 39 track digital mixtape this Hallowed Ween!

Revel Rosz premieres his Hauntomancy Dim Session Working for his Haunt Manual, The Prospectre Ritual, with HQ Audio and videomancy via YouTube.

Temple of Babalon Choronzon’s Bobby Hale chats with Keats Ross about Listening Post Alpha, new Audiomancy sinews and a track from Revel Rosz & Saroth The Mage

Excerpts and tethers from the new literary chapter of the living multi-media grimoire, HAUNT MANUAL, by We The Hallowed’s Revel Rosz. Subscribe!

WtH’s HAUNTQUNIOX 3/20/23 ∴ ZOZOBRA Radioplay ∴ Audiomancy

Announcing the 2023 HAUNTQUINOX on 3/20/23 with a preview of the PRAGMAGICK RADIO HOUR PRESENTS: “BLACK MESA” from ZOZOBRA and new Audiomancy!

Howdy haunts, I just want to say how appreciative I am of all of you. It’s been a heavy month with numerous health issues. However,


Announcing the Green Mushroom Project & We The Hallowed Digital Mixtape, plus the newly released Audiomancy album “ASPECTRE” from ECTOGASM

2022-2023 HAUNTOMANCY ∴ Luxa Strata, Sam Shadow, JJ Reine De Blanc, Revel Ross ∴ PRAGMAGICK

Revel Keats Ross chats with dear friends Luxa Strata of the Lux Occult Podcast, Sam Shadow of Shadowzone Productions & JJ of Reine De Blanc about the various works created and casted in 2022 while howling into 2023.

The second chapter of the multimedia grimoire, Haunt Manual, part one concerns the meditation and audiomantic praxis of “Hauntomancy”