Visit https://wethehallowed.org/pragmagick-ghost-gematria for full show notes (Spotify is glitchy!)
View the original LiminalStream and full SpiritBox Listening Post Alpha Session
∴ Bobby Hale’s Opening Invocation
∴ Dakota Slim – Disolva
Pt. 1 of https://dakotaslim.bandcamp.com/track/disolva-y-coagula
∴ Introduction and Content Description
∴ The GMP/WtH Digital Mixtape
∴ Patreon Punch
∴ Excerpt from the Prospectre Ritual
Released via ScavengedRituals.com
∴ Bobby Hale Introduction (See below for links)
∴ Ghost Gematria Conversation
∴ Interlude (Read Bobby’s Gematria Breakdown of our session:
∴ LPA Session Conclusion
∴ Dream Boys of The New Apocalypse – New Lands
∴ Chat with Saroth The Mage
Follow Saroth’s new music channel @SarothsPopOrchestra-xm2bu
∴ Outro
Subscribe to Hauntmanual.com
∴ Dakota Slim – Coagula
Pt. 2 of https://dakotaslim.bandcamp.com/track/disolva-y-coagula
In tonight’s broadcast I will be unveiling some new hauntomantic audiomancy works that sinew the rubric of Listening Post Alpha, a magickal order that utilizes tools such as the spirit box, the haunted and accursed pile, and the ALW cipher to consort the transdimensional other. My chat with the order’s EAR APPARENT and Temple Of Babalon Chronozon’s, Bobby Hale (Agent 111) is a hauntological talisman of magickal inception; since this chat with Bobby I have become an audiomantis agent of the order (Agent 333), and have tethered these workings into my already performed, soon-to-be-revealed haunt manual rituals. http://hauntmanual.com
Also you’ll hear a short chat with fellow Agent (222) and musick cohort, Saroth The Mage, as we premiere a new track from our project DREAM BOYS OF THE NEW APOCALYPSE. This, along with many other audiomancy works, is being submitted to the GMP/WtH Digital Mixtape. The deadline to submit is 5.23.23 – so consider this the final call to arms! Guidelines available at wethehallowed.org/mixtape
The Pragmagick Radio is announced by Jonny Casullo & Hosted by Revelator Keats Rosz
SuperSpectrum Inc: youtube.com/watch?v=G51XSMV12OQ&t=175s
ALW Cipher Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alwci…
2022 Published Works ∴
Listening Post Alpha Journal: Year One: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJYD35LM
The House of Every Flower: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B1JNGXMJ
The Book of Numbers: Volume 1: Ufos, Aliens, and Ultraterrestrials: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S61Z54G
Original thumbnail art utilized from the cover of Listening Post Alpha by Groucho Trout: https://www.instagram.com/grouchotrout/
The Green Mushroom Project is teaming up with the We the Hallowed occult art and media magick collective WE THE HALLOWED to bring you “Fuck Around and Find Out 2: Audio Offerings of Magical Sovereignty from The Green Mushroom Project and We the Hallowed”- our first ever digital mixtape, coming this Fall!
Read the submission guidelines here: The GMP/WtH DIGITAL MIXTAPE ∴ AUDIOMANCY
Please email submissions to greenmushroommixtape@gmail.com by 05/23/2023 at 5pm EST.
∴ As far as hauntological talismans are concerned, check out a podcast that was recorded on the eve of Haunt Manual’s conception released last week: Last Unrifled Yaw:
∴ And my hauntomantic liminalstream reacting to the 10 month old podcast and where I sit with Haunt Manual 10 months later:
∴ It’s kismet that my chat with Luxa Strata about Haunt Manual also came out this week! Check it out here:
Revel ∴ Keats Rosz 05/18/2023
PRAGMAGICK: http://www.pragmagick.com
HAUNT MANUAL: http://keatsross.substack.com
PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/pragmagick
PAYPAL: http://www.paypal.me/keatsross
WE THE HALLOWED Magick/Art Collective: http://www.wethehallowed.org
Keats‘ Archives: http://www.keatsross.com
DAKOTA SLIM (audiomancy): http://www.dakotaslim.bandcamp.com