Potion Making With Temperance — By Michelle Embree 1/3/22

Temperance is trained.


As magical as she is, she took her time learning a range of skills and philosophies. 


Temperance is a practiced Magician with the eye of an artist and the timing of a musician. 


Temperance is a dynamic force that seeks inspiration and guidance from sources outside of herself.


Temperance is the antidote for nostalgia. She pulls the relevant narratives of the past into the present story where they continue to live, continues to transform.


Temperance is dynamic. Her potion making is creative and process oriented and generally unrepeatable because it is made to address specific ailments within a current context. 


Temperance may choose any form of medicine through which to work her magic, but her unwavering gift is her ability to break habitual reactions and assumptions. 


Temperance is a healer of flaws because she is the key to expression. Future narratives are lived, and they are lived from where we are and where we have been.


Temperance maintains a dynamic dialectic that takes the promises of the past and the desires of the future and synthesizes them into a conscious act that recognizes both as equal.


History is an object. It can be captured in books and museums. It can be moved like boxes into individual minds. History is an object and can be used like a weapon or detained as a relic behind glass. 


Temperance makes connections and adequately expresses those connections. 


Temperance is the dynamic force of living, and she will fill you with a dynamic tension that will confuse you unless you use it to communicate.


By Michelle Embree


Author of Daydream Tarot: A Basic Guide for Visionaries


Read Michelle’s monthly Tarot column in ANTIGRAVITY


Listen to Michelle’s podcast SECRET ANTENNA


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