A Story You Can Not Tell — Ask The Nine of Pentacles — by Michelle Embree 11/22/22

Sometimes the only people

Who will ever believe

The story of what has been done to you

Are the people who did it to you


And so, you go through

Years and years of time

With the only people who can

Actually, know you


On and on through

Years of time

Through years

Of shared laughter and celebration

Of dancing and feasting

And stopping cold to 

Once again

Navigate your dismay


Years and years of time spent

Looking into half turned smirks 

That may or may not exist

Ignoring demeaning words

That definitely do

That dig chasms of anguish

Through the psyche

That can never be replaced


Years of time unfold


The desire to be known

And the longing to loved

Forever divided 


Sweet lives lived

Through very real hours of joy



At the pit of it,

In the soul of it

On the heart of it

A treachery

That cannot be undone

Continues doing what

It cannot undo


And should you 

Not understand

What these words convey

Be content

To be the lucky one

And save 

Your blame

For something

It can heal



We ask the Nine of Pentacles:


What do you do with a story you cannot tell?


She answers:


Five of Cups, Ten of Swords, Two of Cups


Grieve it. Yes. But do not spend time thinking you will find a reason why, because you won’t. Divest from those who tell you to prefer the wound by finding that very reason that does not exist. I guarantee such people believe grief is something you drop off at the dump once you are done with it and therefore are not to be trusted.


Betrayal is a matter best handled by the skies of night because the story that cannot be told is, in fact, what makes up the color black. It is this that fills the ink pot, the ink pen, the tattoo gun, the paint in the spray can.


The story that cannot be told requires expression by other forms and in this we meet the self as the other and choose to make union with what will not resolve.


By Michelle Embree


Author of Daydream Tarot: A Basic Guide for Visionaries


Read Michelle’s monthly Tarot column in ANTIGRAVITY


Listen to Michelle’s podcast SECRET ANTENNA





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