“Goat”-the 96th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
Tag: william s. burroughs
“Biological”-the 95th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Blowtorch”-the 94th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Top”-the 93rd installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Mystical”-the 92nd installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Grotesque”-the 91st installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Boundary”-the 90th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
We discuss everything from his time in TOPY (Temple of Psychick Youth) and the influence of Genesis P. Orridge (Psychic TV, Throbbing Gristle), Austin Osman Spare & Aleister Crowley, COIL and, of course, the magick of William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin…
“New”-the 89th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Private”-the 88th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON