Keats Ross joins Douglas Batchelor on the What Magic Is This? podcast to discuss the history, use and experimentation of Magical Sigils.
Keats Ross joins Douglas Batchelor on the What Magic Is This? podcast to discuss the history, use and experimentation of Magical Sigils.
Sam Shadow – Mage, Musician And Crowned Child of Obatala – speaks with Keats about their wonderful journey into various pantheons of magick, identity and creativity.
Sir Bran The Blessed chats with Keats Ross about their growth as a queer practitioner of color, tarot diviner and Queen of Portland, Oregon’s Zephyrhaus.
Douglas Batchelor of the wonderful WHAT MAGIC IS THIS? podcast chats with Keats Ross about his metaphysical praxis & occult podcasting.
Occulture Scholar, Multi- Media Mage and Documentarian, Carl Abrahamsson, returns to chat with Keats Ross. Keats also gives a tribute to Genesis P-Orridge.
Keats Ross chats with Occulture Scholar, Multi- Media Mage and Paragon of Intent, Carl Abrahamsson!
Keats Ross joins Nox Mente for an impromptu appearance concerning his “trans-dimensional wayfaring” and dalliances with death & dreams.
Niish, The Rebel Witch, chats with Keats Ross about the dark side of modern occulture, facsimiles / fakes and the absolute need for authenticity in a spiritual & artistic practice.
Derek Hunter chats about his brilliant new work, LOVE CHAOS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE, which weaves psychology, therapy, magick, art & embraces DOUBT in dogma.
Eric J. Millar makes an appearance on Charm the Water to talk The Disruption Generator, Outlet Press, and other things!