Live Improvised Sound & Song Magick Rituals Recorded Live to Tape as a “Living Film Score For Personal Lore”
Live Improvised Sound & Song Magick Rituals Recorded Live to Tape as a “Living Film Score For Personal Lore”
Keats Ross (Revel Rosz, Dakota Slim) chats with JJ of The Muse Memorandum about his artistic processes
Revel Rosz premieres his Hauntomancy Dim Session Working for his Haunt Manual, The Prospectre Ritual, with HQ Audio and videomancy via YouTube.
Excerpts and tethers from the new literary chapter of the living multi-media grimoire, HAUNT MANUAL, by We The Hallowed’s Revel Rosz. Subscribe!
Revel Keats Ross chats with dear friends Luxa Strata of the Lux Occult Podcast, Sam Shadow of Shadowzone Productions & JJ of Reine De Blanc about the various works created and casted in 2022 while howling into 2023.
Luxa Strata chats with Keats Ross about her Ovamancy, Audiomancy and Halloweenies. Visit wethehallowed.org for show notes.
Keats chats with Kamen Ross who is a fellow trickster licking his lips to the wild fancies of brilliant musical expression.
Keats Ross appears on the Cosmic Salon to discuss the newly released “DETRIT∴US – A W†H Audio Sigil”
C.W. Chanter chats with Keats Ross about what it means to publicly defraud the fraudsters.
PRAGMAGICK PRESENTS: AUDIOMANCY – a journey through sound arts conjured by metaphysical means and magickal methods. This edition concerns Dakota Slim’s CACTUS CROWN, a conceptual conjuration on love & magick.