The PRAGMAGICK Cast is now on Apple iTunes! SUBSCRIBE To commemorate, we released the convo with BROTHER JIMBO and Lloyd Daylight‘s performance under the PragMagick name with a new
Tag: pragmagick

Brother Jimbo ( deftly gabs about his personal development as Music Magus, marrying musical theorem and metaphysical musings to produce a barrage of multimedia magicks in the modern digital age.
Lloyd Daylight ( performs a couple soliloquies from his strange and beautiful repertoire, exorcising the topics discussed with a couple songs that would make a weary man punch the ghosts that sour the somatic with a spectacular sweetness.

† LISTEN HERE † The Pragmagick Cast is the evolution of the Wayward Worship podcast. We have found hosting and are moving the collective, We †he

Pragmagick intends to be an auditory journey through the investigation and pragmatic application of metaphysical concepts to enhance and inspire, what I consider to be, the great, equalizing purpose of our short, human existence: the creative process.