The Oracle Turns 5
Tag: oracle

Listening Post Alpha agents Bob-Ra-Inanna & Revel Keats Rosz discuss the origins and currents of the mysterious ALW Cipher and its anarchic use amongst the LPA and Rosz’s recent Hauntomancy & Audiomancy workings.

May our wounds be beloved.

The third and final volume of NO GODS BUT MY OWN is finished and is available on Lulu now! An Assemblage of Disparate Parts was

“the goddess whom poets adored”

The Ten of Cups offers us the deepest of fulfillment, what we might even call happiness.

This is not something that happens anywhere except maybe in the dreams of Holden Caulfield.

The wands represent the element fire. Those with fire medicine to offer did not come by it easily. Water (cups) medicine is derived from compassion

In Amy Heckerling’s cult classic Clueless, we meet a Knight of Wands personality in Cher Horowitz.