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Slither Hither Wierdos and Witches, here’s my unearthed, live 2018 interview with SACRED LATTICE founder and “BLACKMATHMAGICIAN,” CICELY ROGERS!
Slither Hither Wierdos and Witches, here’s my unearthed, live 2018 interview with SACRED LATTICE founder and “BLACKMATHMAGICIAN,” CICELY ROGERS!
SLITHER HITHER Weirdos and Witches, here’s a conversation with Media Magician, Occult Youtuber and Paranormal Detective ROBERT A. POWELL!
Pragmagick intends to be an auditory journey through the investigation and pragmatic application of metaphysical concepts to enhance and inspire, what I consider to be, the great, equalizing purpose of our short, human existence: the creative process.