Artists Katelan Foisy and Dr. Vanessa Sinclair take Keats Ross through the toils and tundras of their continuing cut-up experiments & praxis!
Artists Katelan Foisy and Dr. Vanessa Sinclair take Keats Ross through the toils and tundras of their continuing cut-up experiments & praxis!
Sam Shadow – Mage, Musician And Crowned Child of Obatala – speaks with Keats about their wonderful journey into various pantheons of magick, identity and creativity.
Sir Bran The Blessed chats with Keats Ross about their growth as a queer practitioner of color, tarot diviner and Queen of Portland, Oregon’s Zephyrhaus.
Douglas Batchelor of the wonderful WHAT MAGIC IS THIS? podcast chats with Keats Ross about his metaphysical praxis & occult podcasting.
Occulture Scholar, Multi- Media Mage and Documentarian, Carl Abrahamsson, returns to chat with Keats Ross. Keats also gives a tribute to Genesis P-Orridge.
Keats Ross chats with Occulture Scholar, Multi- Media Mage and Paragon of Intent, Carl Abrahamsson!
We discuss everything from his time in TOPY (Temple of Psychick Youth) and the influence of Genesis P. Orridge (Psychic TV, Throbbing Gristle), Austin Osman Spare & Aleister Crowley, COIL and, of course, the magick of William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin…
Magickal Paragon and founder of Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV and TOPY needs your help!
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=136662778 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] In this series, Revel Rosz, documents the metaphysical means of which he created his