On this episode of The PRAGMAGICK Cast, Revel Rosz’s brilliant convo with the creator of The Forty Servants & Adventures in WooWoo – Artist, Musician, Podcaster and Practitioner – TOMMIE KELLY!
On this episode of The PRAGMAGICK Cast, Revel Rosz’s brilliant convo with the creator of The Forty Servants & Adventures in WooWoo – Artist, Musician, Podcaster and Practitioner – TOMMIE KELLY!
Pragmagick #12 with creator of The 40 SERVANTS & Adventures in WooWoo – Artist, Musician, Podcaster and Practitioner – TOMMIE KELLY!
Slither Hither Wierdos and Witches, here’s my unearthed, live 2018 interview with SACRED LATTICE founder and “BLACKMATHMAGICIAN,” CICELY ROGERS!
2018 Autumnal Intentions / Revelations: † Pragmagick / Video Grimoire updates † The 1 year anniversary of my psychic sea-change and the conception of Dakota
Alexx Bollen hosts PRAGMAGICK’s Revel Rosz on the “300th” episode of THE ALEXXCAST. They dip into #magick #occult #spiritgasms #politics #theunknown
Alexx Bollen got Revel Rosz gabbin’ too much on the “300th” episode of THE ALEXXCAST (#300G to be exact) which dips into both revelatory #spiritgasms and psychical platitudes! LISTEN /
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=136662778 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] In this series, Revel Rosz, documents the metaphysical means of which he created his
Montana Jordan is, and this is without hyperbole, Portland’s leading paranormal investigator and occult researcher with a special sense and folklore all her own.
And the premiere of “NIGHT THIEF” from WE THE HALLOWED artist, DAKOTA SLIM, off his forthcoming occult-laden and audiomancy inspired release: CACTUS CROWN “