Keats Ross chats with Occulture Scholar, Multi- Media Mage and Paragon of Intent, Carl Abrahamsson!
Keats Ross chats with Occulture Scholar, Multi- Media Mage and Paragon of Intent, Carl Abrahamsson!
Exit Interview & Unboxing video of Eric Millar’s DISRUPTION GENERATOR custom oracular device.
Keats Ross chats with Lacanian psychologist & psychoanalyst, Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, about the THIRD MIND
Harv Bishop seems to be the match necessary to cinder some of New Thought’s most outdated tenets.
Vanessa Kindell is a brilliant scholar of Sumerian Witchcraft- We talk about punching practice with Sumerian deities, punching tornadoes with group magick, and what it means to punch personal ritual with the root of all western esotericism.
Jeremy Francis of The Alchemical Arts is a true alchemist who creates his unique art & magick through forging his own talismen and casting his own colors. Literally. Through chemistry.
Audio from the premiere Videocast from Pragmagick! Keats Ross discusses his trajectory within the confluence of metaphysics and music.
“AUDIOMANCY” The W†H AUDIO SIGIL This is PRAGMAGICK‘s sub-podcast, AUDIOMANCY – a series dedicated to Music Magicks and Audio Sorcery. This is a test episode
Pragmagick #12 with creator of The 40 SERVANTS & Adventures in WooWoo – Artist, Musician, Podcaster and Practitioner – TOMMIE KELLY!
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=136662778 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] In this series, Revel Rosz, documents the metaphysical means of which he created his