This is the dinner where we at WE, THE HALLOWED introduce our means to sew a thread that connects our many friends and colleagues here in Portland, OR. It’s a pot-luck in every since of the word. Bring food, entertainment, ideas, criticisms, booze and art that introduce and represent who you are. This is a meet and greet so to speak. This is where we begin to initiate an organized community set on elevating one another’s art.
We’ll discuss everyone’s passions and goals and start to log everyone’s contact to be held in a private address book online. You’ll choose your title, as mine is Revelator, whether it be from THE SEVEN EXCEPTIONS or one of your own design with a short description so your title will become recognized on the site.
We’ll ask about art projects that you need help with and start creating a roster of those adept at any artform so those can be contacted for you realize your goals.
Of course, I’ll share the literature and ideas behind this “OPEN-SOURCE RELIGION” will be discussed in hopes of a metamorphosis of WtH into an arts collective. We know the “religious” connotations suggest some sort of “cult”, but Jim Jones we are not. The use of the myriad of a multitude of religion’s doctrines is concerned with documenting ultimate truths without discrimination or judgement. This is an art collective that combines a deeper respect for individualism than most that rely on shared spiritual doctrines or even aesthetics.
Though most say there is a “lack” of a Portland Art Scene, we believe that this is in fact a rare opportunity to begin a network of disparate artists that connect within an organized and personalized network utliizing a trade and barter system of skills. Skills for skills to help one another achieve and realize the projects that define our purposes in life is the very essence of a true collective.
Most of us are so dextrous in different mediums, or can connect others to the right resources. Most projects rely on the our selves to perform a plethora of different tasks that come with simply recording a record, creating a comic, producing a short film, or even writing a novel… but now we can connect, face to face, to those willing help build engineer/mix your record, building websites and distributing art, connecting to venues and galleries, and sharing unifying support under the mysterious and esoteric community of We, The Hallowed.
I, Revelator Rosz, have begun a monthly E.P. series in 2015 (Janurary’s was “REVEL” by me, and February’s is the debut of THE SOOTHSINGERS) showcasing and/or debuting some of the WtH core members. What could be yours? Events, such as our Halloween bash at Habesha this last Halloween proved we can host a monthly showcase of affiliated musicians. I also released a talk show, WAYWARD WORSHIP, under the WtH tutelage and satirical evangelical motif that interviews bands and film their performance in hopes of elevating awareness of their art. I do all this to prove that a network is viable and your place in a greater community is waiting for you.
Want to help us start a youtube channel showcasing your film talents or comedy? How about a monthly zine/pamphlet showcasing those that write and want to embellish their folklore while evolving WtH’s neverending attempt to elevate its collective folklore?
We, The Hallowed – The Saintly Selves, YOSOTROS (YOU + WE) initiated the community we all longed for as struggling artists. Take hold of the opportunity to share, create, realize and help others complete their true ambitions and let us help you realize yours.There is absolutely NO MONEY expected.
Once you create something with WtH’s sigil:
attached (denoting our collective’s involvement) it is yours to keep or divy to those that helped. THIS COLLECTIVE IS ABOUT INDIVIDUAL ACHEIVEMENT AND CREATING A FAMILY, NOT FUCKING MONEY.
This has always been a dream of mine, to belong to a collection of wonderfully talented and incredible individuals, so already, you all are helping me realize one of my aspirations.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 22nd, and get ready to have the first of what I hope are rocknroll, productive, and exciting meetings.
Love you all, Brothers and Sisters,
Revelator Keats Rosz

As you might have discerned, there are bigger, albeit quieter, forces behind the Salons…
Naturally, we have decided to christen tonight’s with the unveiling of the consistent concept that will anchor these monthly happenings, the inner-circle.
Tonight, I wear the title of “REVELATOR” – a role recently awarded to me, by myself, but unanimously uncontested – so naturally I shall attempt to reveal our reverence to this revival…
I AM DEEPLY HONORED to initiate the cause of which you will certainly REVEL in the REVERE!
And allow yourselves to witness the story unfold not just from my silver tongue, but from these creatures, my hallowed partners, –
we have much to unveil!
You have come here not simply to observe art, but rather, to become a part of it.
ARE YOU NOT PREPARED? One must always be prepare to participate in art… to those who saw this as any other usual soiree… I am terribly excited to spoil your comfort…
Please allow me to provide you a service
When the art is as magnanimous and as epic as Theo’s is here, or any other gala that holds the work of a hallowed artist… you must show your gratitude, and I am not talking monetarily.
Those who become inspired at the sight… What better way to give the gift back, and channel an acknowledgement by way of stern admonishment?
You see, there is no greater support shown than a unique interaction with whomever’s works you find yourself moved by.
For The artist has a direct salute, personified by the observer’s action, thus knowing that his art did what art does best when it is done right:
It becomes a manifestation, and incantation, invocation, a spell brought to life.
Sadly, however, this is an unusual occurrence.
Why are we so ready to follow unspoken behavioral standards when attending a concert or viewing a gallery showing?
A decade long career as a songwriter and performer has shown me time and time again that most of the problem lies within the majority artists within the community rather than the outsiders…
The spoiled lot who allow themselves to be satiated simply by enacting the most- minimal amount necessary to afford the title or reputation of “artist”. And they treat that title and reputation as promotions? HMMF
Funny, how those who share the passion to realize their artistic vision know that the gift to move on to the next art project is the only truly gratifying reward.…
and even that’s really but a fleeting pleasantry before the onslaught of the next voracious project rears its awesome head.
We, the masked ones before you, are privy to this archetypal artistic process so much so that it is an inclination revered by our hallowed cause, and we aim to reinforce it whenever possible.
Just as with the intuition that brought you to here tonight – yet another tool to master:
For intuition is but a metaphysical muscle WE performers aim to strengthen simply be reinterpreting our artistic boundaries often – as to calibrate a closer reflection of self.
Yet the largest fallibility is also the largest safety net, and that is the community.
We push on, however, in hopes connections will remain, and artist to artist assistance win out.
I am here to say that I feel as though this has been achieved, in this very room.
These Hallowed few, and especially myself, are through messing around. Grown and experienced, we have no time to waste on sleepless nights ruminating on unfulfilled aspirations.
We must awaken each day prepared to participate, wanting to participate –
to broaden the chances of a reward in the form of a “salon” or to connect, through a creative space such as this one and have it gifted to those who are willing to share ?
That said, we want to welcome you to our temple here… THE LIGHTBOX, the culture house.
Lightbox was named as such to acknowledge the powerful purpose of navigation through untraveled artistic paths guided by the illuminated lanterns of self, radiant with the artistic fervor of its many members.
The box was open to you tonight, not only to celebrate the art and music of a select few, but to invite you into our trust and our community.
For art brought you here, but the curiosity in your heart will forever bind you to our cause. And you shall be rewarded for answering that intuition.
And once again, that intuition is the first step in our shared trajectory –
We are the
of this movement that empowers the self while reinforcing our community.
These titles represent our roles within our new cause A cause that ultimately creates a community of focused and passionate artists, aiding one another to actualize their visions.
On the path towards that goal we must first look to ourselves.
We shall Fess up to ourselves…
Fess up. Let the words ignite a realignment to your truths.
The journey outward must begin inward, or vice versa, meaning there must always be a journey – the experience, the process, is an art, is the art –
We must first consider our actions, our weight, and our purpose routinely… and we must fess up to our transgressions. We are the only ones who can not be fooled or manipulated by the easy excuses that seem so natural to fall on because of how prevalent they have been accepted to circumvent responsibility.
We must, also, fess up to our intuitions and their merits, such as that intuition of attending tonight and the prospect of being a part of something beautiful and unexpected.
We must understand that we are all heroes in our disparate journeys, and we must seek to aid and reinforce ourselves while doing the same for one another.

3. MASK REMOVAL (slow)
The inspirational few that facilitate this space, us few who are pillars holding the roof above us, are before you now, as you see, unified in this procession, in accordance with their “Sacred Selves”.
Know that they are gifted their audience through being themselves, and for being an audience as well.
Like you – these saintly selves, these sacred selves have banded together to encourage one another to keep their inner-evolution vibrant.
Acting as confidants to one another as able bodied brothers and sisters – ready and willing to assist each other through their artistic paths.
There is no elite / no credential to obtain, however, they share one common concern…
After staying true to who they are, they still are always considering the their fellow artist – thus this beautiful box of light was created as a conduit – channeling artist to artist, individual to individual.
We, THE HALLOWED have birthed a true collective that sees no discrepancies between your unique artistic passions and ceremonial spiritual practice.
We are divine in our individuality.
And we invite you to help expand our movement. join our experiments with giving focus and purpose to social constructs not just doused in booze and cacaphonous chatter that attribute the bars we usually settle on.
Come drink with us, while we thrust through your cause and our cause as the whole:
The cause of all disparate works of art uniting under a single lore, a solitary movement.
Our gospel is to simply unite as an entity to help us artists complete our masterworks, and to have forum to shake and shout as your muse intends!
Let us unify within these walls. These four walls that are continuously re-purposed in the most radically different ways –
These walls constructed to fit the form and function of revolving concepts from revolving artists.
As you ponder this space, now adorned with the imagination of our THEO HOLDT, allow your mind to undress THEO’s beautiful artwork and imagine the default setting of these hallowed walls:
they may transform befitting a dance studio, or provoke room necessary for performance study of all kinds, they may provide a stage with theater seating,
or even covered in electric flashes pulsing to the rhythms a ballet of chaos found in the after hours parties safely held here, this box is configured to the whim of any artistic medium – only to be unfastened and peeled away unseemingly fast to ready for the next one
But most importantly, focus your attention to one wall in particular – the wall adorned with the oceanic mural, an image of a lone beacon wading against a heavy tide, a metaphor one would guess intentional. For the unique but tough niche a place like this resides constantly battling the cunning current of bureaucratic and monetary pursuits.
Yet, these obstacles are to be expected from such institutions. It is the fact that a place like Lightbox still struggles with the fleeting and fickle arts crowd that wrestle with themselves to become involved and in fact keep it in fearof getting closed against their better judgement.
This wall not only provides a more defined space, but fortifies the nucleus this cell, the command center, that facilitates and maintains this gifted space.
These “sacred selves” remain static at work trying to offer this place and its bounty to you. They give themselves to you, fellow artists.
As they disrobe to reveal themselves more, allow me to reveal them the initial few who deemed themselves WE, THE HALLOWED (YOSOTROS!) They are not just interested in creation, or facilitating an artistic movement, but also in eschewing a resource, this place, to aid those who yearn to to be heard.
They, no, WE, YOSOTROS, offer a place for you to become the most realized you, you can be. Grace us with the garments that the unmitigated you would adorn yourself in. Become the super-hero of yourself. The ultimate personification that bleeds your intentions. There is no uniform here.
We aim to haunt everything we touch. THIS IS WHY WE HALLOWED ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER TO “HAUNT ON”…
By this we mean to Haunt it artistically. To leave our mark and to linger still!
. A common language with which many artists in varying locations, mediums, or aesthetics are provided with community focused on bettering their selves and their art.
A member of WE THE HALLOWED (YOSOTROS!) has a strict adherence to our individual artistic purpose, their drive to progress themselves through their work, and to offer their unique experiences as council to those who may need guidance or motivation.
It does not require much effort to become an exception among this vast population of examples.
For those ready to be gifted – we are not short on realization.
We, The Hallowed have devised an intelligent system to help document our revelations.
To the uninitiated it is important to remain conceptual in this practice, allowing their guidelines and requirements to afford us our privacy from the uncaring systems that run the world around us. Just so happens these guidelines call for a representative text, and we thought what a clever way to artistically and spiritually shrug of these hurdles by embracing the process as an art project.
THE introductory text is coyly dubbed, the “LIBER DOCTRINA”, (DOCTRINE BOOK) it is similar to a work-book.
The book’s template provides a unique outline to organize each initiate’s individualistic facets into their personal-manifesto.
When they workbooks are completed, thus becoming their personalized manifesto, it is then termed the “LIBER EGOS,” (BOOK OF SELF) and it is to be constantly updated as they are encouraged to test their beliefs throughout their artistic and spirtual careers. When an EGO”s draft is finished, or simply updated, they are shared and discussed within the group-
ultimately these contribute to the organization’s public and communally representative text, entitled the “LIBER NOSOTROS.” (BOOK OF WE)
“Nosotros” is simply comprised of the commonalities found in each “EGOS” and through collective discretion determined if they are to be included.
“LIBER NOSOTROS” is thus considered to be their on-going documentation of universal truths, this is the text that is made public to represent their progress and their findings.
To the uninitiated we are a secret society or a religion – or however they may try and define us, cult is thrown around a bit too much –
it is important to allow the uninterested like “the government” compartmentalize us however so they may leave us be.
Play their game just enough to get licked the less.
And we are already in the final stages of appropriating Lightbox through WE, THE HALLOWED to attain recognition as a church of our own creation.
Allow terms like “religion” and “church” to fester around this movement, these are but a few of the many terms we aim to rid of negative connotations and reinvent them to stake in their true meaning when regarding us.
These terms will act as our shield, bureaucratically, as we aim to fortify this cause using whatever tool necessary.
Let us our folklore and our mythology create a new blueprint for our cause. And we have. Becoming a member of We, The Hallowed or Lightbox not only instills an intention to promote this folklore, but helps generate a positive cycle of intent, follow through, and completion
It is important to fortify our mythos with such conceptual pieces. We are inventing our own religions, our own gods, our own purposes to haunt on.
The only commonality that will be evidenced is the artistic output we all help to facilitate in one another.
Your contributions to WE, THE HALLOWED is sharing your experiences, and your artwork to help inspire and motivate one another.
The art will be presented in any medium you choose, and no matter what will be shared amongst us Hallowed, then gifted to the public as you see Theo’s displayed here.
Lightbox shall be our cathedral, and our temple – constructed of the art created among us hallowed (YOSOTROS), and practitioners of light.
We, The Hallowed will convene in this hallowed hall through the salons and performances, amongst gallery exhibits and classes, music shows and after hours parties – all dictated by the members of this beautiful space.
As with anything we represent, it is up to you to decide the involvement presented before you. Please give yourself the opportunity to inquire about our magical practice.
Heed that intuition that very intuition that brought you here tonight. Imagine your work adorning the wall with We, The Hallowed behind it.
We are all hallowed by our marks left in this reality (HAUNT ON!) – fed, digested, regurgitated by our unique practices.
It is time, we slingshots, dirtclaudes, and firecrackers revel in one another’s unique trajectories.
We, The Hallowed (YOSOTROS!) show up once a week within these walls, no matter what, to incessantly progress this congregation of saintly selves. Its that simple. We invite and encourage you to do the same. Allow us to benefit one another, whatever you would love
It is time you are celebrated for your unique view and perspective.
It is time we are assisted in the creation of our life’s works.
United, we are able to rally the resources you need, we will rally the souls to assist your artistic journey, and we offer you the venue and platform no questions asked.
You are here; revel in your beingness. You are here and that is perfect, that is wonderful, and that is magical.
Whatever brought you here tonight, again the aforementioned “intuition”, that same metaphysical gift. Revel in being the perfect you. The hallowed you. (HAUNT ON!)
Please take with you some literature on Lightbox’s Membership Program, Find our presence on the web, and continue to attend these wonderful events.
Adorn us with your influence. We hunger for inspiration, and inspiration is only manifested with the coming of change. Allow your involvement to welcome that change.
We invite you at ground zero, at its very inception. To those who intend to remain uninitiated, forever suspect that people in your community might be HALLOWED (YOSOTROS!)
– and know that if they are, they are manifesting the ambitions of your peers with a fervor and a charge that would generate a thousand thunder-storms.
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