In celebration of We The Hallowed member and most recent PRAGMAGICK guest R.U.U.N.E.‘s new album, NEPTUNE in BABYLON released today on FAKE FOUR RECORDS, we’re posting the PATREON exclusive Tarot reading R.U.U.N.E. performed for PRAGMAGICK host, W†H Revelator: REVEL ROSZ.Ruune’s
In the beginning, you’ll hear about how RUUNE’s Tarot hero, Kelly-Ann Maddox came to construct the album art and how Revel once owned a piece of Portland for the cover of SPARE SPELLS‘ “The NARROWS.” Also, they talk in depth about the collective WE THE HALLOWED and how Revel needs to give himself more “me time.” Which he totally is doing this Holiday season.
Make sure to listen to PRAGMAGICK #14 with RUUNE to hear all about the album’s magickal creation:
You can preview the album below!
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=549360901 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=4ec5ec tracklist=false artwork=small]