*Updated For Sound Quality
From the SACRED LATTICE mission statement:
We envision a movement that supports individuals’ decolonization process of mind, body, heart, and spirit. We recognize that, as the descendants of enslaved and massacred groups, we have been holistically cut off from our birthrights and the magic of the ancients. We hope to provide a recuperative and reclaiming space. We hope to help our injured souls heal and grow in our magical powers. We are our own medicine. We are our own magic. We are our own future. May we be the ancestors future generations deserve.
I cannot tell you how eerie these synchronicities have become as of late but I’ll pause on divulging my current spiritual and magickal trajectory too much, so let me just say that discovering the missing audio from my live interview with Cicely Rogers couldn’t have come at a more appropriate moment for me and for the podcast. This interview, recorded live as part of the WE THE HALLOWED salons that occurred at the Waypost, here in PDX, were presented as part of Proto-PRAGMAGICK, WAYWARD WORSHIP last FEBRUARY.
This was one of the most enlightening convos I’ve had, and a terrible disappointment to me when I “misplaced” the audio due to my terribly inefficient (trial by fire) production management early on. However, my subconscious proved victor as it has been revealed that this “misplacement” was really just a measured and intended long-game… Now, this platform has enough stability to truly value the facets of this conversation, as well as the need for it as there is an important magickal current that demands more representation: the diverse and varied practitioners within the POC and LGBTQ “occult” communities. Enter: SACRED LATTICE, a haven for minority seekers.
Though diverse representation is reason enough, that is only one of the numerous reasons why this this conversation is so important to me as a curator and facilitator; the viewpoints expressed here give a logician’s angle to the intuitive healing community, a trajectory that is already rife with maybe too much of the woo-woo, and psycho-babble expounded by “nü-gurus” but Cicely, as public school teacher and metaphysical educator, manages to ground her ethereal pursuits in a wonderfully self-aware resolve. Cicely, embattled with her own helping of somatic realities disturbances and biological burdens, continues to enlighten a path for the underrepresented seekers. She’s the real deal and an absolute pleasure of mine to get to know her a little more!
† “PRAGMAGICK is A MULTI-MEDIA GRIMOIRE conjured, conducted and curated by REVEL KEATS ROSZ and produced through the Portland, Oregon based occult-media collective, WE THE HALLOWED. Please visit and subscribe to WETHEHALLOWED.ORG for more info
† The following interview was recorded and conducted by REVEL ROSZ February, 18th, 2018 in front of an audience at the Waypost in Portland, Oregon.
Cicely Rogers of Facebook
*This episode was made possible by some backwards ingenuity, at least in the sound engineering department. I’m currently having CPU issues, if you’d like to support the podcast and help update some much needed text, please consider subscribing to our PATREON or make a one-time donation via PAYPAL.
† Original Theme and closing track : “The TETHER” By DAKOTA SLIM from 2018’s CACTUS CROWN / synth soundscapes performed live by Bryan Bruner
† Follow PRAGMAGICK and W†H on Instagram and Twitter@PRAGMAGICK_CAST and @WETHEHALLOWED
† If you’d like to contribute material affirmations, please become a patron of W†H through PATREON (www.patreon.com/wethehallowed) or donate through PAYAPL to: sparespells@gmail.com