The Pragmagick Cast returns with Erik L. Arneson of the MY ALCHEMICAL BROMANCE podcast and Arnemancy.com!
Slither Hither Wierdos, Witches and Cosmic Snitches – our guest on this episode of The PRAGMAGICK Cast, Erik L. Arneson, could be considered all three. Arneson is the prolific co-host of the MY ALCHEMICAL BROMANCE PODCAST, a revealer of esoteric technologies through ARNEMANCY.COM, and he just so happens to be host, REVEL ROSZ’s neighbor in the notoriously “weird” Narrows of Portland, Oregon! Erik was the first guest to drop by the new “Ghetto Bat Cave” – headquarters of WE THE HALLOWED and PRAGMAGICK for the new, intimate interview format!

Mr. Arnemancy himself is a Mason, Magician, Writer, Ordained Reverend of the Universal Life Church (Rosz is ordained “Revelator” – thus the nickname: Revel), and a serious sage when it comes to all matters of high metaphysics. He shares insight on his Masonic trajectory, as well as the evolution and misconceptions of Free Masonry – clearing the air of the urban legends and conspiratorial ire that seems to plague the charitable, fraternal society!
Erik also talks of his Magickal practices and dalliances; he sheds light on some elemental facets every beginning adept should pursue. Here you’ll learn about some occult communities that may aid aspiring seeking magicians. Though, Erik’s resolve is that “magick” is mainly a solitary endeavor .
This introductory chat is hopefully just the beginning of the burgeoning alchemical bromance between Pragmagick and Arnemancy.
Be sure to listen to his podcast wherever pods are casted, follow him on twitter and subscribe to his Great Work!
@Arnemancy /Twitter
@Pymander /Instagram
@Arnemancy / Facebook
Pragmagick returns after a two month sabbatical that allowed Rosz to complete his newest collection of original music, CACTUS CROWN, under his moniker DAKTOA SLIM. The album is a testament to love and magick and you can soon read/hear all about the #audiomancy utilized to create the work through the Adventures in Audiomancy article series on We The Hallowed and Disinfo.com.
Theme for #PRAGMAGICK is “The TETHER” /
Outro song is “The CALICO GHOST“
Both by DAKOTA SLIM from the new release, CACTUS CROWN
To learn more please visit www.dakotaslim.net
Listen to the full hour and thirty minute plus, unedited chat through the podcast subscription at www.patreon.com/wethehallowed. One time donations accepted through PAYPAL
Pragmagick intends to be an auditory journey through the investigation and pragmatic application of metaphysical concepts to enhance and inspire, what I consider to be, the great, equalizing purpose of our short, human existence: the creative process.
This wondrous and bewildering journey of experiencing this fleeting moment under the sun is the ultimate creative process: the hopeful evolution and manifestation of each participant’s realization into masterful works of experiential art is alchemy, and “as above, so below,” the microcosm answers the macrocosm as the universe is filtered through our unique, mutated consciousnesses as art and ideas. Magick is that cosmic call and response, the creator divining the mundane to create the mundane divine. The manifestation of thought into purpose, of purpose into action… you get the idea.
My halfcocked philosophizing aside, writer and Magician Alan Moore explains, “Much of Magick is the search of the Self with a capital S, and this is understood as being The Great Work…as being the will, the soul, the thing that is BEHIND the intellect: the body, the dreams, the inner dynamo” and that “When we aredoing the will of our true Self,we are inevitably doing the will of the universe.In magic, these are seen as indistinguishable.”
Famed Psychologist and Mystic Carl Jung called the true will “Individuation‘, or pursuing one’s own vision of the truth, and, in so doing, realizing one’s fullest potential as a human being. Throughout this podcast you’ll be privy to my infinitely humble journey as creator and practitioner, discussing and revealing the Great Work of artists and thinkers, studying their rituals and spells that invoke to inspire that psychic push to wrestle the human condition from the woes and throws the dark and the drab.
Personally, I intend on rectifying some rituals gleaned from years of dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight, rituals that work against my passions. We all have them. It is my intention to learn and reveal exercises that ex-hex the oppressive thought patterns inside and psychic vampires outside, both always lurking, waiting to waste more of the time and attention so little of which I and you are afforded, I will consort the unseen as means for conjuring a portal out of the creative stagnation that bewitches each and all of us artists.
–Revel Rosz
You can subscribe to the patreon at www.patreon.com/wethehallowed for unedited episodes, full albums, zines, etc. Subscribe and support this podcast and W†H for bonuses, goodies, zines, albums and general revelry. All proceeds go into writing, producing and releasing more podcasts, albums, audio sigils, videos, etc.
TW: @wethehallowed / @pragmagick_cast / @revelrosz
IG: @wethehallowed / @pragmagick_cast / @dakotaslim_hymns