Welcome to the second weekly #liminalstream via the PRAGMAGICK YOUTUBE!
Naviae Allora is a blood witch, a soothseer from a long line of genetic clairvoyeurs, wandering this world like a Jenny Appleseed dispatching beauty in magickal currents to everyone she touches.
I’ve always been reticent to discuss astrological forecasting, especially when it comes to the tropical and the numinous interpretations of popular western types, as rebellious as I am. However, Naviae is a Mayan Dreamspell Astrologer, a soothy songstress of Galactic astrology and tonight, we investigate this current personally, sharing personal charts and forecasting tomorrow’s US election.
“Galactic” or Mayan Astrology is a largely unique astrological dominion that deserves introspection and prominence. Naviae bleeds between the many scenes of many different currents, she has the know how, the life experience and the joy enough for everyone to bend an ear. Please welcome Naviae Allora!
Naviae’s Links:
WEBSITE – https://www.awanderingwitch.com/
INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/a__wandering__witch/
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/alignwithbenevolence
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PRAGMAGICK Podcast – http://www.pragmagick.com
DAKOTA SLIM Audiomancy – http://www.dakotaslim.net
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