This is the premiere episode of the fully analog (recorded & constructed) HAUNTOMANCY TAPES series of analog sound magicks kasted into the aether of the modern ‘podcasting’ current. This series that treats the medium like a Dharmic Vajra and wields heavy art and musings through Hauntomancy, Audiomancy, collaborations, exaltations and vexations.
To support please visit PATREON or give a thumbs up, a like, a subscribe, a nice rating, whatever the spirit moves you – just a couple of clicks truly help quell the algorithmic demiurge’s continuous attempts at burying this AUDIO GRIMOIRE!
This initial episode of the analog Hauntomancy (hauntology-of-the-self-audiomancy & magick) cassette cast was constructed with haunted and archaic ways of recording and production. Computers were only used for final sound quality and distribution.
All musick heard was performed live & recorded live to 4 track cassette tape.
The 2023 Videosigil Vigil live Audiomancy (Sound Magick) Dim Sessions tether the piece throughout. If a track is not noted, it is from this very session:
BIG NEWS! I HAVENT ANNOUNCED YET (WAITING ON THEM TO ARRIVE…) 2024 will be the YEAR OF THE DIVERGENT MAGICK ANARCHIC GRIMOIRE! A workbook and schema I published to assist in organizing, creating, and deconstructing the rituals, big and small, that make your own personal folklore!: https://a.co/d/e5GKbsP
Use the PRAGMAGICK blank journal to help sketch your magicks or use with the DIVERGENT MAGICK grimoire! https://a.co/d/97iCJv8
“Many Named” live 4track demo by Revel Rosz
Hauntological Audio Artifact (tape) of the host 20 years ago on NYE in Los Angeles
December Dim Session Audiomancy Begins tethering with introductory words by Revel Rosz on tape
“The Shadow – The Phantom Voice” compiled from Cassette Release
Westlake Station, Seattle field recording by Revel Rosz with “Shadow Work” words recorded to tape
Mary McKeever’s improvised Cm Harmonica & Piano recorded to tape by Revel Rosz
“Faith” ramble by Revel Rosz from a Patreon Only Stream composed in November 2023
“Father Karras” live 4 track demo by Revel Rosz
“It Needed Tending Anyway” Poem by Jenny Rocky ∆
Introduction of Little Wind read by Revel Rosz from his “Haunt of the Aspectre” chapter via hauntmanual.com
4/8/23 LPA initiation Spiritbox session clip of Little Wind’s name
“Hymn To Little Wind” channeled lyric audiomancy session recorded live on 4track
Barry Admanson “Mr. Eddy’s Theme” from the Lost Highway Soundtrack taken from an old cassette mix
December Audiomancy Dim Sessions return to tether Side B
Culmination of 2023’s Shadow work, faith and the Spectre of ‘Travis’ words recorded on tape
DIVERGENT MAGICK GRIMOIRE intro recorded to tape
Clip of “December Dim Session Liminalstream” of Revel Rosz discussing the Divergent Magick Grimoire
“Dajjal” live 4 track demo by Revel Rosz
“Donuts in the Rain With Erica” Poem by Jenny Rocky ∆
“I’ll Be In Heaven Again” Channeled Lyric Audiomancy recorded Live to 4track tape
∆ Poetry recitations by Jenny Rocky, AKA Lily Gilder, with backing tracks by Revel Rosz. See growing document of Lily Gilder recitations at: tinyurl.com/lilygilderrecitations
Why, oh, why care about such outmoded technologies?
I aim to marry true communion with the thirdmind of neither analog, either/or digital in my audiomantic works, BUT BOTH with intentional and ritualistic means– free from digital sequencing or using samples of any kind outside my own custom ones made from my somatic creating. I’m not going full Steve Albini as I still believe in the DAW as a magickal tool, but I will be utilizing the digital audio workspace only for distribution, audio cleanup and mixing / mastering — largely keeping its infinite ease to “create” at bey, as the easing of many of rough and tumble processes of recording and songwriting, let alone audiomancy and podcasting, have fallen victim to indistinguishable and dishonest bores of same-y-ness.
Staring at a computer screen to easily non-linear edit a cut-up of stock samples or auto-generating noise all have their place within the umbrella of audiomancy, just not with me! It’s easy to make something clean and standard! I believe true audiomancy lies within the somatic experience — the abandonment of expectation, and the invocation and celebration of human error — to conjure my personal communion with the self and the other… so… Everything is performed live (aside from my haunted 70’s analog rhythm machine, Herbert, and custom programming played from a Korg Drum Machine) – each sonick #musick #soundsigil is #improvised utilizing only #glossolalia to channel “words” where there were never any! Warts and all!