Howdy Haunts, This is the first (of two) “channeled lyric” movements, or songs, from my recent Audiomancy session that allowed my subconscious to bark. I’m
Category: KEATS ROSS
Howdy Haunts, Sorry for the liminalstream bail yesterday! This one will be far better with a better brained Keats! Patreon Only Liminalstream at 12:15pm PT
‘Nuff said. Also – this heavy jaunt through the annals of self-on-tape has eaten my energy. I am going to sleep and allow the heavies
Howdy Haunts, Hope y’all are well. Seems like I’m dropping patrons – which is always a sadness considering my heart lies in the ephemeral content
The Green Mushroom Project and We The Hallowed collectives joined forces to release a 39 track digital mixtape this Hallowed Ween!
Howdy Haunts and aHAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Our collective, We The Hallowed, just released a digital mixtape collaboration with the Green Mushroom Project, titled “Fuck Around &
Howdy Haunts, Umm, yeah, join me for what is sure to be a trainwreck of pickle-brained gusto! Excited to hauntologically unearth some bips & bops.
Howdy Haunts! I’m brain-goofed. So instead of typing all the pish-posh applesauce please review my bed video! Stream today at 3pm PST. More info forthcoming.
Howdy Haunts, I apologize for not posting more these past few days. I tend to only post when I have a lull or some gumption
Howdy Haunts! First semi-road journal here! We started off the tour with a major time set-back, 3-4hr delay stuck in traffic due to southeastern Washington