Alexx Bollen (of The Alexxcast) chats about writing his literary hypersigil and debut novel, PERIPHERY, “Occult Mencias,” Grey Jedi and Depression in PRAGMAGICK #19!
Category: KEATS ROSS
Magickal Paragon and founder of Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV and TOPY needs your help!
Keats Ross writes a weekly column illustrated by Eric J. Millar about navigating modern life via magick, mythology and metaphysics while attempting to finish his magnum opus, “Zozobra”
Eric J. Millar of Outlet Press | AUTOMANTIC Illustration | Pragmagick #18
Eric J. Millar of OUTLET PRESS chats with Keats Ross about his automatic process, his 23 illustration books and his custom arcana, The Disruption Generator.
Keats Ross writes a weekly column illustrated by Eric J. Millar about navigating modern life via magick, mythology and metaphysics while attempting to finish his magnum opus
Mitch Horowitz, Author of Occult America and The Miracle Club, chats with Keats Ross about New Thought’s Legacy, Definite Chief Aims, Transparency and Trump in PRAGMAGICK #17
LOVE CHAOS creator, sound artist, writer and inventor of the unique Chaos Riddle Prose, DEREK HUNTER, chats with Keats Ross in PRAGMAGICK episode 16
Meandering Meditations on MISS RAYON’s 2018 full-length, ECLIPSE, by PRAGMAGICK host Keats Ross
Gabriel Hart (Jail Weddings) returns to PRAGMAGICK in celebration of releasing his twin novels, VIRGINS IN REVERSE & THE INTRUSION!