I am not usually one for oracle decks, or for that matter, versions of the tarot deck besides the Rider-Waite-Smith. As a reader, I have
Category: RUUNE

PORTLANDNOTES.COM posted a review of the last DAKOTA SLIM record and W†H AUDIO SIGIL, “CACTUS CROWN”

In celebration of RUUNE’s “NEPTUNE in BABYLON” released today, hear about how RUUNE got Kelly-Ann Maddox to create the album cover and hear a tarot reading RUUNE gave Pragmagick’s Revel Rosz! Previously only on Patreon!

Spooky Superhero and Cyberpunk Conjuror, RUUNE, speaks with Revel Rosz about their new musick and magick album & audio sigil, “NEPTUNE in BABYLON,” and premiers a brilliant track! SLITHER HITHER WEIRDOS AND WITCHES, here is RUUNE …