PRAGMAGICK PRESENTS: AUDIOMANCY – a journey through sound arts conjured by metaphysical means and magickal methods. This edition concerns Dakota Slim’s CACTUS CROWN, a conceptual conjuration on love & magick.
PRAGMAGICK PRESENTS: AUDIOMANCY – a journey through sound arts conjured by metaphysical means and magickal methods. This edition concerns Dakota Slim’s CACTUS CROWN, a conceptual conjuration on love & magick.
“Absurdities”-the 80th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
There are a core group of human life transitions which are always liminal: birth, puberty, death and the beginning or end of a marriage.
“Bionic”-the 79th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Charm”-the 78th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Ocean”-the 77th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
“Shameful”-the 76th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
Keats Ross (of Pragmagick) & Alexx Bollen (of The Alexxcast) utilize the Eric Millar’s oracular device, The DISRUPTION GENERATOR
“Gluttonous”-the 75th installment of Eric Millar’s (Outlet Press) Custom Divinatory Card System, The Disruption Generator, for WE THE HALLOWED. HAUNT ON
In part 1 of this ZOZOBRA column, Keats Ross attempts to ex-hex the magick and memories casted that swell within a former home. Illustrated by Eric J. Millar!