I need a nap!
(Will be giving Patrons the download of the 14track album this week!)
What better way to ring in my magickal number year than a brand new album!
The first audiomancy Ectogasm record/ Audio Sigil from my Haunt Manual #hauntomancy workings has been refined for a new project of lofi-gusto live performance wizardry!
@ectogasmusick on Instagram!
“#Aspectre Audiomancy From An Unrealized #FilmScore” morphs my audiomancy and #multimedia #grimoire #HauntManual workings (http://keatsross.aubstack.com) into a melodic, cinematic cacophony of ramshackle analog/circuitry lust! This is the first of many under my long dormant #ECTOGASM moniker, and all correlate to #hauntology -of-the–self magickal workings as evidenced in my recent Pragmagick episodes.
All sounds were performed live, you can watch the ritual on the pragmagick youtube. This ritual specifically used cassette and casio manipulation but every ritual differs.
Here’s to howlin’ and hauntin’ 2023! So much more to come! #magick #lofi #electronic #glitch #soundtrack
#223 #YearoftheCoyote